SK171 Kieran Smith

American Olympic medalist, World Champion, and Double World Record Holder, Kieran Smith has become TeamUSA's most consistent middle distance performer. A college star at Florida where he broke barriers as the first person to swim a 500 freestyle under 4:07, Kieran has translated his success into his pro career - one of the kingpins of a burgeoning pro group of medal haulers that train in Gainesville, FL (Dressel, Ledecky, Finke to name just a few).

But we talked to Kieran to get to know him beyond the pool and we learned he's a master chef and hoster of dinner parties with elaborate menus. Don't worry - we still talk plenty about race strategy, including Kieran's aptitude for trying entirely different ways to pace his events every time he races.


SK172 Ella Nelson & Aimee Canny


SK170 Brent Hayden